Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring Break, and it feels like spring!

Now, most spring breaks here in Indiana are not very spring-y. Cold, rainy, snowy, and just plain ol' miserable are more apt adjectives to describe the annual week where the kids run wild.

It's 75 degrees! And the sun is shining!

So I took the kids out to run some errands this morning, which was fun. Lauren loves the feeling of the wind on her face. It makes her gasp, and then she giggles and stretches her arms out wide, like she's catching the breeze. No matter which way I hold her, she turns her head so she's facing into the wind. (aside: Great-Grandma Sheehan would shake her finger at me and say, "Keep that baby's head covered up! You don't want her getting dysentery, do you?" I've never even heard of dysentery outside the context of The Oregon Trail.)

Anyway, we went to get Matthew's guitar, which still isn't in. Then we went to Dollar General, the credit union (keep your fingers crossed that they approve the refi on my truck), Wal-Mart (we were there two days ago, but Lauren decided she'd had enough halfway through the grocery aisles, so today we finished shopping. But I forgot milk.), and the eye doctor (but they were out to lunch).

I'd promised (read: bribed) Matthew that if he was good during the errands, that we'd go to McDonald's for lunch. But he decided it would be more fun to get our food at the drive-through and go to a park. The park by our house is right by the river, and with all the rain we've had lately, it's a soggy mess down there. So we went to the park by the city pool. Matthew found his friend Nicky to play with (Nick and his brothers spent every day at the pool with us last summer), and Lauren and I learned that she LOVES to swing. Those great big baby belly laughs are so much fun!

Then Lauren decided she was hungry and tired, so we headed for home. Now Matthew's playing Guitar Hero, and Lauren is asleep. I'm wishing that I had a comfy chair or a hammock outside, so I could be out enjoying the sunshine. But I have all the windows open and there's a nice breeze blowing through, so that's almost as nice.

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